Saturday, November 1, 2008

8 Fun Things

8 Things I am Passionate About

1. My husband that I don't deserve
2. Oakley- It's crazy the love I have for her and I have never even held her.
3. Music- I always have to be listening to something
4. My Family- I don't know what I would do without my brothers!
5. Education- My educations and the education of others
6. College Football- Go Utes!
7. Racism- I hate when people are racist
8. The Outdoors- I love this time of year especially!

8 Words/Phrases I Say Way Too Often
1. "SHUT UP?" Not in a rude way, but when I am shocked it just comes out
2. "Darla, what did you do now?"
3. "You are so picked on" I always turn into a smart mouth when Griff and I fight and I always tell him that.
4. "You know better than that"- to my students
-Sorry, that is all I've got-

8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
1. Get my Masters Degree
2. Draw a Mountain Lion Tag
3. Have more children (Hopefully just boys, one little me is enough)
4. Learn a foreign language
5. Play the guitar
6. Retire
7. See Paris
8. Start my own school

8 Things I Have Learned From My Past
1. You can't control what God has planned
2. Forgive and Forget
3. Never take those close to you for granted
4. Tin Foil doesn't go in the microwave
5. Everyone has something good to offer
6. I should think before I speak
7. A good friend will always be there for you
8. My dog will eat ANYTHING I leave on the counter

8 Things I Currently Need to Do
1. Ironing
2. Study for the Praxis
3. Hang a border in Oakley's room
4. Write lesson plans for my student teaching next week
5. Finish my shower invitations
6. Take down Halloween decorations and put Christmas up. I kind of skip Thanksgiving
7. Find a new car- The Eclipse won't fit a car seat very well!
8. Take my Literacy II test

8 T.V. Shows I love to watch
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Friday Night Lights
4. Big Bang Theory
5. Girls Next Door
6. The Hills
7. Dirty Jobs
8. American Idol

8 Favorite Movies
1. Billy Madison
2. Talladega Nights
3. Happy Gilmore
4. Open Season
5. Braveheart
6. Scary Movie 2
7. Crash
8. Super Troopers

8 Things that happened yesterday
1. I painted vampire bites on my neck and some of my students really believed me.
2. I saw my baby yawn!
3. I kissed my husband good morning and good night
4. I fixed a mummy who was unraveling
5. I put Oakley's room together
6. Talked to Bonnie on the phone
7. I sprayed my hair Purple
8. Kissed my dog

8 Things I am looking forward to.
1. Bringing Oakley into our lives
2. Graduating
3. Christmas
4. My husband to come home from hunting
5. My baby shower
6. Student Teaching
7. Seeing if Oakley has my brown eyes or Griff's blue eyes
8. Twilight Midnight Movie with the girls

I tag everyone that reads this and wants to play!!


If you know me at all, you know I LOVE music!!