Saturday, January 17, 2009

She's Here

Shes Here!!!!!!
Well she is finally here! We had a doctors appt. today at 1:45. Dr. Singer told me that I was dilated to a 4.5 and if I didn't go tonight that she would take me tomorrow. She stripped my membranes and we left the office. We were very excited and we left and needed to stop at Staples. About 3 minutes into staples the contractions hit me, then another about 2 minutes later, then another. We decided that we didn't have time to go home for anything so we just headed to IMC. As we drove down the canyon they were getting pretty bad and by the time we were to the hospital they were about 1 1/2 minutes apart. The got me in right away. I got my epidural about an hour later. By that time my contractions were so bad. Then after that it was down hill. I only had to push for about an hour and she came at 7:52. She weighed 6.10 pounds and is 21 inches long. She has tons of strawberry blonde hair. She is absolutely beautiful. Here are some pictures, ENJOY!!


JaMay said...

awww. Jennifer, she is so beautiful, she is so tiny.. it made me miss how small when my kids was that size, awww you will enjoy having her around to watch her grow.. congrations. :-)

Jewelle said...

Congratulations Jen! You have a very beautiful baby girl. You looked awesome for having a baby! Oh, I found your blog via Mindy's awhile back.

Shanna said...

She is so pretty! You look so good! I am so happy for you and Griff! I wish i was closer so i could come visit you!

summer anderson said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats you two!!! I am so excited for you guys. She is beautiful...especially the strawberry-blonde hair! It sounds like things went really well...not as bad as you thought, huh Jennifer?! Now maybe I can get my butt in gear and come over to see your new baby and new house!!!

Jena Horrocks said...

YAY!!! She is here! She is adorable. Congrats!

Ty and Mari said...

So cute. Congratulations!!!

rachel and brady said...

Oh, Jen...congratulations! And good job gettin pics on the blog so quickly! haha She is so stinkin cute! I am so jealous!! heehee I can't wait to see her in person! Good luck with everything! Talk to ya soon!

Teresa said...

Griff and Jennifer

Congratulations, she is beautiful!

The Gordon's, Bruce and Teresa

Meggie said...

Oh! Congratulations! She is so pretty! I'm glad everything is going well! It looks like you are doing good, too. Enjoy every minute!

Adaire and Will said...

Congrats! My dad forwarded me a picture of her via text message today and she is so dang cute. You guys must be so excited!

Graves Family said...



*~Sarah~* said...

Congratulations! New babies are so exciting. She is DARLING and you look great too!

Brooke Hansen said...

Congratulations Jen! I am sooo excited for you! She is a beautiful baby! And you do not look like you just gave birth! You look amazing!! Good luck with everything!!

Mrs. Jones said...

Yeah!!!! You guys will LOVE being parents! It really changes your world in an instant! She is so cute! I see a little of each of you in her, good mix mom and dad!

Jayne said...

Yea Congratulations guys that so exciting and fun. Glad everything went well and U look so good . Jayne

Deanna said...

Congrats! That is so great that everything went well! She is beautiful and you will LOVE that she has hair - everyone will be so jealous that your baby has hair (I know this cuz my baby has hair and all people talk about is how they wish their babies had hair - ha!).

*Lana* said...

Jennifer, I just love your baby. She is so cute. I am so proud of you. You are truly the best mom ever! Trust me, I would know, I have been over twice already and she is only a week old. Anyways, you and Griff are so special and you guys deserve everything that comes your way, especially little Oakley. You two are amazing people and I am so thankful that we are such good friends. You have been there for me so much and I hope one day I can do half the things you have done for me. I love you guys!

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE music!!